The Buy Better Food Campaign
for sustainable food on the public plate

We are a Europe-wide coalition of more than 100 members, calling for public procurement rules that work for the environment, consumers, and workers, and that provide healthy food to all European citizens in public places such as schools, hospitals and elderly care homes.
Our Vision is that, by 2030, Europe's food system is healthy for both people and the planet, based on sustainable and fair food production on healthy land, providing healthy food for all.
Sustainable Food Procurement can play a pivotal role in driving food system transformation in Europe and beyond.

Public Procurement and Collaboration
On 15 November, during the Organic Food event co-organised at the European Economic and Social Committee together with Organic Cities, IFOAM OE, ICLEI ES, and Demeter, we presented alongside France Urbaine the Brussels Declaration, a shared vision to transform food systems harnessing the power of public food procurement. If you are curious to know more about it, check out our EURACTIV article "Organic Food and Procurement: Driving EU Food Systems Forward." Additionally, Buy Better Food met with MEP Cristina Guarda's team to explore future collaboration opportunities rural-urban divide and sustainable food procurement.

Urban Agenda Partnership and EU Directive Workshop
On 21-22 October Buy Better Food joined the Urban Agenda Partnership on Food in Milan to kickstart brainstorming the key topics and actions the UAP Food would like to carry out in the future. Later, on the 30 October, together with the EU Food Policy Coalition's task force on food procurement, we organised the first FPC & BBF joint workshop to explore the challenges and opportunities of the EU Procurement Directive revision and lay down the foundation for a shared understanding and demands.
Buy Better Food in the media

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